I'm afraid I take my science a little too seriously to accept Al Gore's New Age Religion of Anthropogenic Climate Change. As this is a religion I am sure I will instantly get attacks from it's adherents calling me a "Climate Change Denier" and accusing me of not accepting science. The usual rhetoric, such as "the science is settled" will usually follow and no argument, reason or scientific treatment will be tolerated.
The opposite is the truth - real science demands that we continue to question everything and that we are open to analysing all available data and testing all theories. Unfortunately, under such treatment the Climate Change argument falls apart. The great shame is the number of scientists who should know better but will publish essays to support this for reasons such as financial gain, career advancement or self-aggrandisement.
This is a great shame, as we really need to address a great number of issues regarding human impact on our world, but instead we are controlled by a political religion that is actually doing more harm than good!
People may wonder why I open a blog which is largely about VW engines, with comment on "Climate Change," especially as it is so popular?
Actually, there is a similarity - AlGorianism was founded by a businessman with an such an overly inflated opinion of his "rightness" that he funded his own campaign to become American President against George W Bush - and lost! So he grabbed on to the then flailing "Global Warming" and applied his marketing skills to that! And it worked! He's now got plenty of people claiming he is the saviour of the world, although most of what he preaches at best is incorrect, at worst is damaging to the very planet he claims to be saving!
TheVW world is a bit like this, largely ruled by ego and profit, with common sense very much taking a back seat (I love these automotive puns - sorry.) Experts who should know better support these arguments simply because that is where the money is, or it is what will make them popular, completely ignoring facts and science.
I am going to attempt to apply some logic and science to some controversial areas, though I fully admit at the end I will summarise with my opinion, or interpretation. This is real scientific study - a true scientist would never say "The science is settled," and know that all is open to further study, investigation and interpretation.
"Climate Change" and many myths in the VW world are more akin to religion than science, so I expect to recieve a lot of opposition if anyone actually reads any of this...
(Other reason for writing here is simply gathering of thoughts and continued analysis of my beliefs (oops, I mean the facts, of course.))