Much to the wife's disgust, I've dragged out the old crankcase and what parts I have.
With wife and son, I don't know how I'll afford the heads, carbs and exhaust, but if we need to get a second car, I'd like it to be a VW.
Not all of it was in the shed, but with the Aussie dollar at an all-time high, I picked up cheap pistons and cylinders and a crank from cip1 - boy am I in trouble when she finds out!
It's actually amazing how well my old "uni-tech" CB rods fit - I only need to take about 1.5mm (60thou) peak from the bottom of the case, the same from the back of the cam thrust and centre journal web! So the original 78.4mm I bought them for would have truly been a drop-in (almost.)
Worried that the Crankshaft says "empi" - but what can you expect for $230? If I get this engine on the road it won't be seeing high revs anyway. According to the Engine Calculator, the old WebCam 111 I have is about the ideal cam for this combo on a street engine anyway - so I'll be setting the redline at 6000.
If I can afford it, I'll still have the rotating assembly dynamically balanced, of course.
I'll be periodically posting notes, pictures and thoughts here - if anyone else reads it, well and good, but mostly I want a record and to sort my thoughts out as I go.
I discovered the guy who machined my case fitted 10mm case savers instead of 8mm, so I have two sets of 8mm studs to get rid of and I'll need to get 10mm set Grrrr...
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